Forest Mind

Lesní mysl Jičín

If you enjoy spending time in the woods, there’s an easy way to do it: Come and give Forest Mind a try :-). You decide how much you want to pay at the end, depending on how much you feel you got out of it and how much you can afford. As simply being in the forest is beneficial in itself, it won’t be a waste of time even if the whole Forest Mind idea is not really your cup of tea. But I’m sure that you’ll gain a lot from the Forest Mind exercises, and they might inspire you to spend more time in the woods. Or help when you need to draw on those feelings you experienced in the forest, to relax, to become better aware of yourself, and to calm that whirl of thoughts in your head or escape the hubbub of the world around you.

Choose which Forest Mind meeting would suit you best, get in touch, and we’ll arrange a date.

You might be interested to know what other people have said about their experience:

You might want to know something more about me before you follow me into the woods :-).

You can also find out lots of interesting information about Forest Mind on Martina Holcová’s website. It was Martina who brought Forest Mind over from Finland, and I did an instructor’s course with her to become a certified Forest Mind guide.

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What would you prefer?

I offer three different options. Which is the best for you? The one you need most right now :-).

Forest Mind for well-being

Chill out, take it easy and simply relax. Immerse yourself in nature, giving yourself time and space to appreciate your awareness of yourself and the forest. Join me in taking a walk through the beautiful countryside, with the Forest Mind exercises intended to let you experience it in a different way to what you’re used to. Delve deep into yourself and the forest, but you can also take a step back and see certain things from a fresh perspective. Or again, in a different light than you perhaps usually see them. You might find yourself thinking new thoughts, wanting to open up to new feelings and sensations... Or you could simply make the most of the chance to switch off, simply be yourself and fill yourself with new energy. In any case, come in, you are welcome!

Forest Mind to help you cope with pain, loss...

bolest, ztráta, těžkosti

Life also brings difficult times; this is true for everyone, and how we face up to them is crucial in shaping our life to come. If you’re going through a painful time, or feel that something troubling in your past is still holding you back, come along to this truly special get-together, where the countryside will be a great source of inspiration and, I’m sure, will enhance the experience and give you the strength you need. I’m not promising any instant miracles and I’m no psychotherapist, so I can’t claim to offer any expert advice on what’s troubling you. What I can do, however, is offer you space for the attention and acceptance that the source of your pain demands. The questions that will guide us through this session will help us become better aware of what is happening inside us, what we need, and where we should focus our attention to enable us to get through this difficult time and come out of it stronger, and perhaps even enriched with a new dimension to our lives.

Forest Mind as inspiration

A real treat for inquisitive souls who like to try new things, and when they're going for their first Forest Mind get-together, want to take in all the tastes, flavours, colours and nuances it has to offer... Kind of along the lines of ‘the more, the better’ :-). No, don’t worry, quantity can never beat quality – we give each exercise the time and space it deserves to enable you to savour and get the most out of the experience.


It’s like a spa for the soul 

Jana, 37: "I’m an accountant. It can often be a tough and stressful job. I often go out into the countryside to relax. But Forest Mind is something completely different. It’s like a spa for the soul. The exercises they do in Forest Mind make you see the world and the beauty of the forest in greater detail, and more deeply experience its scent and sounds. And you become part of it. Hanča is a great Forest Mind guide. She takes you along paths and trails you wouldn’t normally walk, and shows you things that you’d otherwise overlook (such as how to really look at and appreciate a tree trunk in the woods). I really recommend Forest Mind with Hanča and her faithful assistant Eili to anyone who wants to relax, unwind and think about something different, and draw energy from the beautiful scenery of the Bohemian Paradise..."

I felt really well taken care of

Honza, 45: "Hanka had a well-chosen and nicely varied route planned in Prachov in the Bohemian Paradise. Although I’d come over from the hectic hustle and bustle of Prague, after a nice introductory chat I was in just the right mood for the trip and Forest Mind. I have to say that I really didn’t mind Eili joining us, as she's so well-behaved and calm, and they're a great team, so it was actually really good to have her there. I felt that the exercises were really well chosen, and Hanka always explained them clearly. I’d already been on other guided walks, and Hanka’s lovely personal approach made Forest Mind something nice and different. My overall impression was that it was a perfect experience; it was just what I was looking for and I felt really well taken care of. Something I undoubtedly very much needed, and received, which I felt greatly moved by." 

It was a beautiful and powerful experience, something I won’t forget for a long time

Jitka, 54: "I found the walk and the exercises so refreshing; they gave me so much insight and a greater awareness of myself and the beauty of the countryside all around. I was left so full of positive energy that it took me a long time to fall asleep (giving me the chance to catch up on a lot of things I needed to do...). It was a beautiful and powerful experience, something I won’t forget for a long time. Not to mention the fact that, although I know the rocks and the forest on the edge of the Bohemian Paradise are a lovely place to be, I was amazed and overawed by the variety and beauty we saw within the space of just a few kilometres. Thank you so much. We should take walks like this as medicine on a regular basis, whatever our age. Heartily recommended!" 

As though time stood still

Míša, 44: "I heartily recommend a walk in the woods with Hanka and her dog Eili. The walk lasted for more than three hours and it was as though time stood still. :-))) A lovely forest spa."

I felt a sense of peace not only amongst the trees, but also inside ourselves

Jitka, 48: "I spent today in the woods with two other women and Hanka the organiser, to enjoy the experience that is Forest Mind. It was an exceptionally beautiful forest and I personally felt that sense of peace not only amongst the trees, but also inside ourselves. Hanka guided us through a series of simple exercises, which I'll be happy to include as part of my walks in the woods, just me and my dogs. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to enjoy this experience today. So, thank you Hana, thanks for everything ❤️❤️❤️, I feel truly grateful to you🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼."

Forest Mind soothed my soul and, one might say, reset my brain

Jitka, 35: "Hana, thank you so much for today's amazing experience. For me it was relaxing and a form of meditation; it soothed my soul and reset my brain, you could say. It was as though for three hours you took us into a completely different reality. Into the warm embrace of the fairy-tale forest. I felt like an honoured guest there, and I couldn't have wished for a more pleasant guide. Thank you very much - it was a truly really nourishing experience and I feel pleasantly tired; I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight."

Something about me

Pracuje se na tom. Venku je tak škaredě, že už to brzo bude. ;-)


Mgr. Hana Dobiášová, Ph.D.

IČO: 3140458

+420 737 423 623

Facebook: Lesní mysl v Českém ráji